Online Math Tutor LLC

Discover the Path to Mathematical Mastery 
An Education That Counts

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Academic Integrity

Tutors are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activity that compromises or jeopardizes academic integrity. Tutors are required to report any suspicious activity that may suggest that a student is dishonest when securing tutoring services.

Tutors are expected to report any student who knowingly asks or coerces to violation the academic integrity policy. Once a report has been submitted, the student will be unable to conduct further sessions until the student has been cleared of any disputed issue. Students who violate the Academic Integrity Policy will forfeit their remaining sessions and will not be permitted to resume tutoring services for the duration of their course. Students may reapply for tutoring services after the termination of their course.

Students may only use authorized collaboration and study aids during tutoring sessions. Since it is not always apparent what has been authorized by an instructor, it is the responsibility of the student (or his or her guardian) to inform the tutor about any authorized guidelines.

Violations May Include
  • Any form of plagiarism.
  • Having a tutor complete an assignment
  • Impersonating a student for any reason. 
  • Misrepresenting the instruction/guidelines on an assignment for academic gain.
  • Using resources that have been either forbidden or unauthorized by the instructor.