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About This Course

Course Description: Statistics is a branch of mathematics that seeks to find patterns and order in randomness.

The goal of this course is to introduce to you the fundamentals and computational techniques that are commonly used in statistics. By the course’s end, you will better understand statistical methods such as organizing, analyzing and interpreting statistical data. You will become familiar with different methodologies for collecting and organizing data, interpreting graphs, and quantitive reasoning.

Topics include frequency distributions, graphs of data, measures of center, measures of variation, measures of relative standing, basic probability distributions, normal distributions, Central Limit Theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing (single and two proportions, single means, two means), correlation, and linear regression, and ANOVA. 

Course Information

Course Topics

  • Types of Data
    • Quantitative vs Categorical
    • Discrete Data
    • Continuous Data
  • Collecting Data
  • Frequency Distribution
  • Histograms

Measures of Center

  • Mean (Arithmetic Mean)
    • Frequency Distribution
    • Weighted Mean
  • Median, Mode, Midrange

Measures of Variation

  • Range
  • Standard Deviation
  • Variances

Measures of Relative Standing

  • Z-Score
  • Percentiles
  • Quartiles
  • Outliers/IQR
  • Box Plots
  • Modified Box Plots
  • Tree Diagrams
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Multiplication Rule
  • Addition Rule
  • Complements
  • Conditional Probability
    • Bayes’ Theorem
  • ​Counting
    • Factorials
    • Binomial Coefficient
  • Discrete Probability Distributions
  • Normal Probability Distributions
    • Standard Normal Distributions
    • Biased and Unbiased Estimators
    • Central Limit Theorem
    • Assessing Normality
  • Population Proportion
  • Population Mean
  • Population Standard Deviation
    • χ² Test
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Sample Size
  • Error Anaylsis
  • Z-Distribution
  • t-Distribution
  • Testing Claims
    • Population Means
    • Population Portions
    • Standard Deviation
  • Left-Tail, Right-Tail,Two-Tail
  • Test Statistic
    • P-Value
    • Critical Value
    • Confidence Interval
  • Type I and Type II Errors
  • Two Proportions
  • Two Means
    • Independent Samples
    • Dependent Samples [Matched Pairs]
  • Two Varianaces
  • Two Standard Dviations
    • F-Distribution
  • Correlation Types
  • Linear Correlation Coefficient
  • Hypothesis Test for Correlation
  • Regression Line
  • Line of Best Fit
  • Prediction Trends

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