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Algebra 2

About This Course

Course Description: This course aims to help you develop a higher level of thinking to help prepare you for more advanced studies such as those found in Precalculus.

This course extends the algebraic and geometric concepts introduced in Algebra 1. By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of basic algebraic procedures. This course will also help prepare you for college entrance exams such as the ACT® or the SAT®. Students who earn credit for this course satisfy the prerequisite for enrolling in Precalculus. It is highly encouraged for those planning to attend college to register for precalculus.

Topics in this course include functions basis, algebraic manipulations, solving for a variable, finding solutions for a given linear system, factoring polynomials, the binomial theorem, complex numbers, as well as more advanced studies in working with matrices. 

Course Information

Course Topics

  • Relations
    • Onto Functions
    • One-to-One Functions
    • Domain and Range
  • Function Notation
  • Function Composition
  • Slope and Rate of Change
  • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
  • Graphing Lines
    • Two points
    • Slope and point
  • Equation Types
    • General Form
    • Slope-Intercept Form
    • Point-Slope Form
  • Graphing Linear Systems
    • Equations
    • Inequalities
  • Solving Linear Systems
    • Elimination Method
    • Substitution Method
  • Vertex Form and Standard Form
  • Solving Quadratic Equations
    • Square-Root Property
    • Completing the Square
    • Zero-Factor Property
    • Quadratic Formula
    • Factoring
  • Graphing Quadratics
  • Quadratic Formula
    • Discriminate
  • Complex Numbers
  • Operations
    • Adding/Subtracting
    • Multiplying/Dividing
    • Rationalizing
    • Powering Up
    • FOIL
  • Quadratic Formula
    • Discriminate
  • Polynomial Multiplication
  • Polynomial Division
    • Long Division
    • Synthetic Division
  • Rational Roots Theorem
  • Factoring Higher Order Polynomials
  • Solving By Factoring
  • Graphing Polynomials 
  • Simplifying Rational Expressions
    • Adding and Substracting
    • Multiplying and Dividing
  • Solving Rational Equations
  • Solving Radical Equations
  • Composition of Functions
  • Graphing Functions
    • Rational Equations
    • Square Root Functions
    • Cube Root Functions
  • Properties of Exponents
  • Properties of Logarithms
  • Graphs of Exponents
  • Graphs of Logarithms
  • Solving Equations
    • Exponential Equations
    • Logarithmic Equations
  • Parabolas
  • Ellipses
  • Circles
  • Hyperbolas
  • Classifying Conics
  • Basic Matrix Operations
  • Solving Systems
  • Inverse (2×2 and 3×3)

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